Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Rough Draft

Rough draft

Q Instructions Semester Project • Choose a company to research and report on how legal situations discussed in this class have affected the company. Example: Martha Stewart and insider trading. You may also choose a legal issue that you might feel particularly 'passionate' about. Some great topics out there in our society. Dialogue with me on this a few times so we might come up with a suitable topic for you. • Please have the company approved by the instructor. You may not choose Martha Stewart, Facebook, Three Kings Holdings or the company you work for currently. • This assignment is worth 10% of your final grade. • The paper should be at least 3 pages. • Citing references IS required both a works cited page and within your text, wikipedia is NOT an acceptable reference. Use at least three different references, one of them may be your textbook; • MLA or APA format is acceptable. • If plagerism is suspected you will receive a zero! • Two sample papers (1 and 2) and a grading rubric are provided. To view the rubric, just click and view the page. • An outline or rough draft with your works cited page is due by June 25 no later than noon. • Please email as an attachment your completed paper by July 25th no later than noon. • Need assistance writing a paper? Visit Butler's Online Writing Lab!

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Enron Corporation is an organization which has always been known for having ups and downs in its organizational operations specifically regarding the ethics of the organization’s accounting practices as well as the insider trading by the past CEO of Enron named Jeffrey Skilling. Insider trading has become quite common nowadays because individuals feel that they will never be caught by the auditing commissions or any other governmental agencies or commissions regulating controlling the prevention of insider trading (Carson).